Timelapse2 : Test Versions

Test versions - Brief Overview

We occasionally produce new versions of Timelapse for testing purposes, where some users are invited to try out new features. Please read the description of the test version before downloading it: it may outline who should be trying it and what the new features are. Because its a test version, I need your feedback: please mail your feedback, bug reports, or anything else to saul@ucalgary.ca .

Timelapse test version

What: This test version corrects a bug due to some countries writing decimal places as commas rather than periods.

  • The problem arises only when detections and classifications are used
  • The problematic fields - which should now work - are detection bounding boxes, detection confidence, and classification confidence
  • Symptoms may be that your bounding box don't appear, that selection on detections doesn't seem to do anything, or even potential crashes when it tries to show an image with a bounding box on it.

Who: If you are from a country that uses ',' for decimal places and if you are using detections, you are welcome to try it out.

Download these files

Then do this

  1. Install and run this version of Timelapse as normal, where you can now test the features as described above.
  2. Send feedback / bug reports / successes / user manual suggestions to saul@ucalgary.ca