External Presentations
This is a partial list. Presentations associated with conference publications are not listed, and some presentations are not noted. While I receive many invitations to present, I accept only a small subset of these due to schedule constraints.
Plenary / Keynote talks
- The 6th Indian Conference on Human Computer Interaction - IndiaHCI 2014, Proxemic Interactions, December, 2014
- Dagstuhl Seminar on Proxemics in Human Computer Interaction, Theory and Practice of Proxemics Interaction, November 2014
- The International Symposium on Pervasive Displays - ACM PerDisp, Mountain View, California, Proxemic Interactions: Displays and Devices that Respond to Social Distance, June, 2013
- IFIP Conference on Human Computer Interaction (Interact'11), Lisbon, Portugal, The New Ubicomp, September 2011
- Latin-American Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (CLIHC'09) and LA-Web Joint Latin American Conf. On HCI and Latin Web Congress CPS, Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico, Promoting Creative Design Through Toolkits, November 2009.
- HCI Educators Conference, Portugal, The Role of Toolkits in Educational Creativity, March 2007
- Congreso Internacional de Interacción Persona-Ordenador (Interacción 2006), Spain, Creativity Through Toolkits, November 2006
- ACM Symposium on User Interface Software Technology (UIST'04), Physical User Interfaces (Survey), 2004
- Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC), 2004
- CRIWG Conference on Groupware, 2003
- Graphics Interface (GI'02), May, 2002
- Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction (EHCI'01), May 2001
- MICON Conference (Mitel), August 2001
- Microsoft Research Summit, 2001
- Groups collaborating on computers: Perspectives from Social Psychology and Computer Science (Switzerland), 2000
- Australian Conference on Human Computer Interaction (OZCHI), 1996, 1999
- NEC Symposium on Human-Centric Multimedia, August 1998
- Brazilian Symposium on Computers in Education, 1997
University - Distinguished Lecture Series and Seminars
- Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST): Department of Industrial Design, Proxemic Interactions, November, 2014
- Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST): Department of Computer Science, Proxemic Interactions, November, 2014
- University of Sydney, Department Seminar, School of Information Technology, The New Ubicomp, April, 2013
- University of British Columbia, Department Seminar, Department of Computer Science, The New Ubicomp, June, 2012
- University of Saskatchewan, Department Seminar, Department of Computer Science, The New Ubicomp, February 2012
- University of Oregon, Department Seminar, Department of Computer Science, October 2011
- University of Toronto, Distinguished Lecture Series, Department of Computer Science, The New Ubicomp, September 2011
- University of Waterloo, Distinguished Lecture Series, Department of Computer Science, The New Ubicomp, September 2011
- Queens University, Distinguished Lecture Series, Department of Computer Science, Proxemic Interactions, January 2010
- Simon Fraser University, Faculty of Interactive Arts and Technology,Proxemic Interactions, November 2010
- Stanford University, Symbolic Systems Forum, Palo Alto, California, USA, Proxemic Interactions, October 2010
- University of Toronto, Knowledge Media Design Institute & Dynamic Graphics Laboratory, Proxemic Interactions, August 2010
- MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Computer Science and AI Laboratory, Creativity Through Toolkits, December 2008
- University of Washington, Distinguished Lecture Series, Creativity Through Toolkits, 2007
- University of Avairo, Portugal, Department Seminar, Creativity Through Toolkits, 2007
- University of Lisbon, Portugal, Department Seminar, Creativity Through Toolkits, 2007
- University of British Columbia, Distinguished Lecture Series in Computer Science, 2003
- University du Paris-Sud, France, 2003
- University of Michigan, School of Information, February, 1999.
- University of Calgary, Department of Psychology (Brown Bag Seminar), Spring 1998.
- University of York, Department of Computer Science, Spring 1996
- University of Calgary, President's 1996 Celebration of Excellence, 1996
- University of Waikato (NZ), Department of Computer Science, Winter, January and June 1995.
- University of Canterbury (NZ), Department of Computer Science, March and June 1995.
- University of Otago (NZ), Department of Computer Science, May 1995.
- Massey University (NZ) , Department of Computer Science, April 1995
- Lincoln University (NZ) , Department of Computer Science, April 1995
- University of British Columbia, Faculty of Commerce, Summer, 1994.
- Simon Fraser University, Department of Computer Science, Summer, 1994
- Brigham Young University, Utah, Spring, 1994.
- University of Guelph, Department of Computer Science, Summer 1994 and Winter 1990.
- York University (UK), Fall 1991.
- University of Toronto, Dynamics Graphics Group, Winter 1990.
Panels, Workshops, Demonstrations and other Academic Events
Excludes conference paper presentations
- Camera Trap Computer Vision - Web Conference 2 (Rutgers), "Making Image Recognition Data Useful: Bringing the Human into the loop", July 22, 2019
- Microsoft Faculty Summit, Redmond, USA. "Using social science to design fluid cross-device experiences", July, 2019.
- Remote Cameras Workshop, Canmore Nordic Centre, Canmore, AB. Sponsored by Innovis, AB. "Pity the analyst: Designing software for image inspection." March, 2019
- AITF 2010 Research and Commercialization Summit, Banff Centre, Selected Projects in Interaction Design, August 2010
- Microsoft Research Faculty Summit 2010, Redmond, Washington, USA, “Proxemic Interactions”, July 2010
- CLIHC & LA-Web Joint Latin American Conf. On HCI and Latin Web Congress panel on Social & Cultural Issues in Web and HCI, November 2009
- ACM UIST Panel on Evaluating User Interface Systems Research, ACM UIST Conference, November 2007
- iCORE Summit, Banff Centre, Alberta, with S. Greenberg, Interaction and Visualization @ iLab, August 2007
- Microsoft Research, Winter 2002
- Microsoft Research Summit, August 2001
- Microsoft Research Seminar Series, 2001
- ACM CAPCHI Special Interest Group (Ottawa), 2001
- Microsoft Research, March, 1999
- Introduction to Douglas Engelbart's ACM Turing Award Presentation, ACM CSCW Conference, November, 1998
- Workshop on Handheld CSCW, November, 1998
- Banff New Media Institute - many times e.g.:
- Intimate Technologies / Dangerous Zones, April 2002
- Banff Human Generosity Project, 2001
- Living Architectures: Designing for Immersion and Interaction, 2000
- Curating and Conserving New Media at the Symposium, May 1998
- Out of the Box Symposium, September, 1998 (Invited Speaker)
- ACM CHI'97 Workshop on Awareness in Collaborative Systems, Spring, 1997
- CSCL Panel on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Learning, Indiana, Fall 1995.
- Formal Demonstrations at CSCW 1994 and CSCW 1992.
- CSCW Workshop on Group Drawing and Writing Tools, Toronto, Fall 1992.
- CHI Workshop on HCI and Users with Special Needs, New Orleans 1991.
- ECSCW Implementor's Workshop on CSCW Applications, Amsterdam, 1991.
Industrial Seminars / Professional Groups
- Conference: Scaling Up Camera Trap Surveys to Inform Regional Wildlife Conservation, Columbia Mountains Institute of Applied Ecology (Revelstoke, Canada), 2021
- Columbia Mountains Institute of Applied Ecology (Revelstoke, Canada), 2020
- Smart Technologies (various over the years)
- Cadius – Professional Group on Human Computer Interaction (Madrid, Spain), 2006
- Metso Automation
- Smart Developers Conference, February 2002
- Chevron Laboratories, La Habra, USA, August 1998
- Intel Research Workshop, Intel Corporation, Portland USA, February, 1997
- NorTel (Northern Telecom), Ottawa, February, 1997
- Intel Architecture Group, Intel Corporation, Portland USA, Spring, 1996
- NorTel (Northern Telecom), Ottawa, Spring, 1996
- Smart Technologies, Calgary, 1998 and 1996
- Intel Architecture Group, Intel Corporation, Summer, 1994
- Palliser District Convention, Alberta Teacher's Association, 1992. ~300 people
- Convention '91: Calgary City Teachers Convention, Calgary, Winter 1991.
- CASS/Alberta Education Zone 5 Summer Workshop '91, Fairmont, BC. 1991.
- Alberta Telecommunications Research Centre, Fall 1990.
- Alberta Research Council, 1988 and 1989
Community Presentations
- Radio interview for CBC national program SPARK (various times)
- Radio interview for CBC provincial program The Eye Opener (various times)
- Shad Valley Summer Computer Program, 1991, 1992, 1998.
Last updated July, 2021 by Saul Greenberg