Major Awards and Grants
Individual Awards of Distinction
10-Year Impact Award, ACM ISS
- Awarded for the paper "Proxemic Interaction - Designing for a Proximity and Orientation-Aware Environment" for its substantial and long-lasting impact on the ITS/ISS and broader HCI communities.
- November, 2019
Canadian Digital Media Pioneer Award
- This award "celebrate[s] outstanding Canadians whose vision and achievements have made important contributions to the development of digital media."
- For "his many historic and deeply influential contributions to interactive technologies have helped shape the field of human-computer interaction. "
- See for specific details.
- May, 2018
Lasting Impact Award, ACM UIST
- "Awarded for contributions to physical computing, particularly for system and toolkit insights that focus on simplifying the prototyping of physical-digital experiences with sensors, actuators and displays. This has set the foundation for new directions and advances not only by developers and researchers, but also for a diverse community of designers, makers, and creators."
- Introduced in the 2001 paper 'Phidgets: Easy Development of Physical Interfaces through Physical Widget, by Saul Greenberg and Chester Fitchett
- November, 2015
Lifetime Achievement Research Excellence Award, Faculty of Science, University of Calgary
- For his significant contributions to the field of Computer Science over his career
- May, 2015
CPSC Excellence Award, Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary
- For continuous outstanding research, for undergraduate and graduate teaching and training, for academic mentorship, and for the creation and sustenance of the world-class Interactions Laboratory
- May, 2015
ACM Fellow
- Inducted 2013 for contribution to computer supported cooperative work and ubiquitous computing
AITF/SMART Industrial Co-Chair in Interactive Technologies
- Awarded to the Greenberg/Carpendale team, 2012, Ending date early 2019 (see below)
NSERC/iCore/SMART Industrial Co-Chair in Interactive Technologies
- Awarded to the Greenberg/Carpendale team, 2006-2012 (see below)
CHCCS Achievement Award
- For his overall contributions to the field of Human Computer Interaction
- May 2007
CHI Academy
- Elected to the ACM CHI Academy for his overall contributions to the field of Human Computer Interaction
- April, 2005
University Professorship
- Endowed Program
- University of Calgary award for excellence in research
- 2006 - 2011
Shared Grants
AITF / SMART Industrial Chair in Interactive Technologies
- S. Greenberg and S. Carpendale, co-Chairs
- Total: $1,000,000 of new funding (2011 - April 2019)
- This is an extension of a prior $2,000,000 iCORE/NSERC/SMART Industrial Chair reported below
NSERC Strategic Networks Grant
- Digital Surface Software Application Network (SURFNET)
- Frank Maurer PI + 12 others
- Role: Investigator
- Total: $5,000,000 + industrial contributions over 5 years (~5%), March 1 2010 - 2015
- 2011 allocation: $33,000 (20K HQP, 5K travel, 7K hardware, 1.5K other)
- 2012 allocation: $30,000 (16K HQP, 10K travel, 2.5K hardware, 1.5K other)
- 2012 Apr-Dec: Special Projects $12,500 (10K HQP, 1.25K hardware, 1.25K travel)
iCORE / NSERC / SMART Technologies Industrial Chair in Interactive Technologies
- S. Greenberg and S. Carpendale, co-Chairs
- Total: $2,000,000 over 5 years (75% under direct control of Chairs; 25% funds faculty hire in support of the Chair)
- Yearly: $400,000 / year (75%), staggered from 2006 - 2013 as follows
- SMART Technologies ULC
- $500,000 / 5 years (100%), 2006-2011, $100,000 / year (100%)
- iCORE Industrial Chair Establishments Grant
- $500,000 / 5 years (100%), 2006-2011
- $500,000 / 5 years (60%), 2007-2013 (40% towards faculty hire )
- NSERC Industrial Research Chairs Program
- $500,000 / 5 years (40%), Sept 2006 - Aug 2012 (60% towards faculty hire )
- SMART Technologies ULC
NSERC Network Center of Excellence Grant
- NCE: GRAND: Graphics, Animation & New Media
- K. Booth PI + 49 others
- Role: Collaborating Researcher, Human Centered Technologies for Sustainable Living Projct
- $23,000,000 over 5 years (.02%), $1,000 allocated / year, 2010 - 2014
Nokia DMX Equipment Donation
- S. Greenberg and A. Tang (co-investigators)
- Awarded several Nokia Lumia Smart Phones, ~$1000., 2012
NSERC Research Networks Grant
- Network for Effective Collaboration Technologies Through Advanced Research
- Smart Technologies and Microsoft Research as Major Industrial Sponsors
- 2004 - 2009
- Total: $5,500,000 over 5 years (~11%)
- Yearly:$1,100,000 / year (~11%)
NSERC Research Tools and Instruments Grant
- Input and Object Tracking for Large Displays, Domestic Environments, and Robotic Interfaces
- April 1, 2007 - March 21, 2008
- $90,747
- Saul Greenberg, PI., with Sheelagh Carpendale and Ehud Sharlin
Innovation and Science Research Investments Program (ASRA & AIS)
- PACE: Prototyping Advanced Collaborative Environments
- Hewitt (PI), Greenberg, Montgomerie, Anderson, Bruno, Finley, Bosch.
- 2003 - 2004
- Total: $250,000 over 2 years (10%),
- Yearly: $125,000 / year (10%)
Alberta Software Engineering Consortium
- Alberta Science and Research Authority (ASRA)
- Paul Sorenson P.I. and others
- 2000-2002
- Total: $1,800,000 over 3 years (6%)
- Yearly: $600,000 (6%)
TeleLearning Institute Pilot Study
- Office of Learning Technologies (Ontario, Canada) with Tom Carey (PI) and others
- 1997 - 1998
- Total: $95,000 (4.7%),
NSERC Infrastructure Grant
- $198,000 over 3 years, 1994 - 1997, B. Gaines (PI)
- $279,303 over 3 years, 1991 - 1994, I. Witten (PI)
NSERC Strategic Operating Grant
- $360,000 over three years, 1992 - 1995, R. Baecker (PI)
NSERC Strategic Equipment Grant, (with R. Baecker and others) - University of Toronto,
- $93,101, 1992, R. Baecker (PI)
Individual Grants
Microsoft Corporation.
- AI for Earth (assisted machine-learning image labeling)
- September, 2019
- ~$13,000 ($10K US)
Microsoft Corporation.
- AI for Earth (assisted machine-learning image labeling)
- April 30, 2019
- $6,721 ($5K US)
NSERC Discovery Grant
- Mediating Interaction in Ubiquitous Computing through Proximity
- 2010 - 2015,
- $370,000 over 5 years
- $74,000 / year
Microsoft Research Equipment Loan Program
- TouchDevelop Applications
- May 1, 2012 - Dec 31, 2012
- $8,500 (in equipment)
University Professorship
- University of Calgary
- July 2006 - June 2011
- $110,000 over 5 years (100%)
- $22,000/year (100%)
NSERC Discovery Grant
- An Embodied Groupware Environment
- 248,500 total over 5 years, 2004-2010 ($49,700 / year)
NSERC Operating Grants
- $200,200 total over 5 years (1998-2003), $40,425 / year (99-03) and $38,500 / year (1998)
- $60,000 total over 3 years (1994-1998), $20,000/ year
- $60,000 total over 3 years (1991-1994), $20,000/year
- $11,896 total over 1 year (1990)
NSERC Equipment Grant
- $84,947 (2003-2004): An embodied groupware environment
- $44,624 (1998-1999): A usability laboratory
- $49,726 (1991-1992), with I. Witten PI
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL)
- $1852. unrestricted one-time gift
TR Laboratories, Canada
- $36,000 in student scholarships ($24,000 in 2004, 12,000 in 2005)
Microsoft Research
- $235,000 (approx value in CDN)
- (US25K in 2001; US50K + ~20K Equipment/Software in 2000; US58K in 1999)
Microsoft Inc
- Project Neptune Shell Group
- $74,000 for 1999 ($45K US)
Intel Research Council Grant
- $US 195,000 total over 3 years, 1995-1998; $US 65,000/year, renewed on an annual basis
- ~$US 30,000 of equipment
Equipment Donations by Industry
- SMART Technologies, Inc.: Two Plasma Overlay Enhancements (4-camera) (2005) - Value ~$9,000. LightRaise (2002) and 72" Rear Projection Smart Board (1998) - Value ~$26,000.
- Mitshubishi Research Laboratories (MERL) USA: Two DiamondTouch displays (2002 and 2003), Value ~$16,000 (5K US each)
- 3Com: Several Palm Pilots, Value ~$1,200. (~2000)
STEP Grant
- ~$3,000 (partial funding for Summer Student), May 1 - August 31, 1998
Summer Career Placement (SCP 2000)
- $2,380 (partial funding for Summer Student), Human Resources Canada
The University of Calgary Faculty of Science Research Fellowship
- Teaching and service relief for one semester, September to December, 1996
The University of Canterbury Erskine Fellowship
- NZ 11,000 plus travel grant for ~$NZ 4,600, March-May, 1995
University of Calgary Starter Grant
- $4,000, 1990
Other Awards, Grants and Scholarships Prior to Joining University of Calgary Faculty
- NSERC Industrial Research Fellowship (Postdoctorate), $24,000/year for two years, 1989-1990
- Honorary Izaak Walton Killam Scholarship, 1988
- Province of Alberta Graduate Fellowship, 1987
- NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship, $11,600/year for three years, 1984-1986
Last updated August, 2019 by Saul Greenberg