Saul Greenberg

Background Readings in HCI


The list below provides a very basic introduction to human computer interaction. If you do not have a formal background in HCI and/or you did not take an undergraduate course in HCI, you should read at least one of the text books and the Norman book. There are myriads of other books on HCI that will give you greater depth of understanding in the field.

Visit my page collecting Recommended Books on HCI. Also, I have many other terrific books on HCI on both general and specialized topics. I will gladly direct you to those as needed. You are welcome to peruse my Personal HCI library, where books are located in MS 680. There are rules for how to sign them out, but you may freely borrow any book from me.

Some standard HCI textbooks

  1. Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction
    Shneiderman, B. (2009) (5th Edition), Addison-Wesley
    • An excellent introductory book to human-computer interaction.
  2. Human-computer interaction,
    Prentice Hall, Hertfordshire, UK. 2nd Edition
    • A solid textbook on human/computer interaction.
  3. Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction.
    Yvonne Rogers, Heken Sharp, & Jenny Preece. 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2011.

General background to HCI

  1. The Design of Everyday Things,
    Norman, D. A. (1990) Basic Books, NY
    • This book talks about design of many things, from doors to telephones to computers. The book is a delightful and easy to read; you will enjoy it!.
  2. Usability Engineering,
    Nielsen, J. (1993) Academic Press.
    • If there is any such thing as a practitioners guide to usability engineering, this is it.
  3. Readings in Human Computer Interaction: Towards the Year 2000
    Baecker, R., Grudin, J., Buxton, W., and Greenberg, S. (1995) (2nd Edition), Morgan Kaufmann.
    • A collection of papers and area overviews. Although lengthy to read from cover to cover, it is a good reference set for exploring basic and advanced topics.